Saturday, September 5, 2009

Talk of the town

I have been hearing lots of talk lately about some new business that are looking at our town as a place to open up business. But same as every one else I have herd this all before, Does anyone know if this time it has any more possibility of happening? or even what happened last time when this talk was going around.

-just wondering


  1. I think that all you need to do is take a look at the condition of most of the streets in town to answer that question. I am embarassed to invite out of town guests to my home as I know there is no way for them to get to my home without showcasing the disrepair of our city streets. I pay my city and county taxes dutifully each year but see little in the way of "services" provided. Until we at least appear to care about the state of our communitie's infrastructure I doubt that any significant business inquiries in our town will materialize.

  2. There is, in fact a rural grocery store chain seriously considering coming to Blooming Grove. They are currently in their "due diligence" phase of determining whether the site they have selected will work for their needs. Their final decision should be made by mid November. If, at that time, they decide to go forward, the target date to be open will be early next summer.

    I think the comments from "Anonymous" are valid. The streets in our town are greatly in need of repair, however, I think we are dealing of a classic scenario of: "what comes first, the chicken or the egg?" I'm certain that the city would love to have all streets looking great, but it just boils down to money...or in this case, lack of money.

    I don't believe the grocery store will be basing their decision to come on the condition of our city roads, but rather on their perception of whether there is a market in this area for their product.

    As new businesses come to our town, creating jobs, providing needed services and generating much needed sales tax revenues, monies will be generated for the city to be able to address infrastructure issues and other city services.

    I'm hopeful that everything will work out, as I see it, the glass is half full.

  3. Public Notice
    Blooming Grove Planning Workshop

    You are invited to participate in a public workshop on
    Monday, September 28th, 6:00 pm,
    at the City Hall, 200 S Fordyce, Blooming Grove.
    (903) 695-2711

    You are invited to attend a workshop hosted by the City of Blooming Grove as part of the City’s planning process. Items to be discussed include provision of services for water, wastewater, drainage and streets, and a discussion of housing conditions and land use patterns.

    Planning studies are used by communities to inventory and analyze existing systems, to identify local goals, and to plan for future development. The workshop is a forum to discuss and identify problems and assets of a community, the community’s vision of its own future, and pathways that can lead from the present conditions to those that meet future goals.

    If you have questions regarding these planning studies, or would like more information about the workshop or other aspects of the planning process, please contact Chad Coburn at GrantWorks, Inc., 512/420-0303.

    This is a great opportunity for your opinions to be heard. The city council also meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 pm. This would be a perfect opportunity to voice your concern over the city streets...

  4. Sounds Great. Most larger city's do really listen much to the individual citizens. This sounds like a great idea to get every one on the same page and to get the most common problems sorted out.

    And Anonymous, You should be the the first one at the door for this. Maybe while you are their you can also see about volunteering to help fix some of the "Services" provided that your so unhappy about.

  5. Regardless the condition of the streets, as long as they are covered with trash, Blooming Grove will never recieve the recogniion it deserves as a friendly, safe and peaceful community.
    Instead of searching for huge amounts of money to fix potholes, how about putting in a larger dumpster downtown, emptying it twice as often, and requiring all civic and church groups to use it, rather than simply dump their trash on the ground, where the wind scatters it over the community. The current situation is not only unsightly and a nuisance for existing businesses and residents, it poses a serious threat to public health.

    There are a number of realistic and simple improvements that would make Blooming Grove a more attractive place for new businesses as well as existant businesses and residents, but cleaning up the downtown area and keeping it clean would cost very little, and must be done if we want to attract residents and businesses, or even keep the ones we have.

  6. Blooming Grove needs to enforce the clean up of homes that have burned. I have not lived here long, but there is one home, sorry do not have street name, that has been an eyesore since I moved here. Another has recently burned.Lets not let this one set there as the other one has. Iknow people have complained about this. Maybe with some new bussuness' coming in the city can afford to clean these up and file judgement against the owner!!! This makes our town look horrible.
